Last Updated: May 11, 2020

Enjoying the Great Outdoors: Tips on Tent Camping with Back Problems

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    BY Nick Bulanda

    Published April 12, 2019

Chronic back pain is a widespread issue that affects millions of people both across the United States and around the world. Most likely, if you’re reading this, you or someone you love is suffering from the problem as we speak. Perhaps you’re feeling like your back troubles will mean you can’t make that next family trip, or at the very least it’ll ruin your fun time. Thankfully, there are a number of solutions that can make tent camping with back problems far less of an annoyance. Whether you are looking to pick up a few extra accessories to help you out, or just want to know what not to do, we’ve got some tips you can take along on your next camping adventure.

1.) Take the Trip!

First of all, if you’re thinking about cancelling your camping trip due to your back problems, don’t! Across the country, millions of Americans are actually neglecting to treat their back pain in the most effective way possible. Going on a camping trip might seem like it will only hinder your back problems, but in the long run the exercise and activity will actually help treat the underlying causes. Plus, as long as you make the right preparations ahead of time, you likely won’t even have to deal with too many pain problems in the short term caused by your trip. According to experts, one of the leading ways to prevent back pain is to stay active, and you’ll certainly be doing that on a camping trip!

Camping trips are a classic time-honored tradition around the country, and according to many, one of the best ways to experience genuine bonding in the digital age.
Camping trips are a classic time-honored tradition around the country, and according to many, one of the best ways to experience genuine bonding in the digital age.

2.) Bring Along Some Necessary Support

One of the primary concerns you should have when preparing for a trip tent camping with back problems is making sure you have the kind of support your back needs throughout your whole time there. Many campers think they just need a sleeping bag and maybe a tent, but boy, they are wrong. Especially for someone working through back trouble, but even for those who aren’t, a camping pad should be one of the items you bring along with you every time. Finding the best camping pad for bad back problems will help you avoid waking up in immense pain or feeling like you can’t move a muscle.

Another specialty item you may want to look into if you’re tent camping with back problems is a more supportive camping chair. While many camping chairs are made with cheap fabric and a couple of flimsy chair legs, there are better options available if you know what to look for. The best camping chair for bad back issues is going to be the one that keeps your back supported and straight, and you’d be surprised at just how much of a difference something that simple can make on your day-to-day life, especially when you’re roughing it out in the wild!

3.) But Don’t Bring Along Too Much

One of the easiest ways to bring about back pain is by carrying too much, or carrying things the wrong way. If you plan on tent camping with back problems, packing light is going to be very important to make sure you don’t strain yourself. Try to keep your pack as light as possible, and that means leaving things at home that you don’t think you will need. It might seem like overkill, but you would be surprised at how helpful it can be to take inventory before your trip. In addition to helping make sure you aren’t forgetting anything important, taking inventory also gives you the opportunity to confirm that you’re only bringing along things you absolutely need.

Along with packing light, always be sure you’re carrying and lifting things properly as well. Make sure you always wear your backpack using both straps, one around each arm. Slinging it over one shoulder, especially when the bag isn’t super light, can cause issues over time. Always remember when lifting heavy objects to bend and use your knees to lift rather than lifting with your back.

If there's something you love, such as recreational camping, you should never be forced to give it up due to something as treatable as back pain.
If there’s something you love, such as recreational camping, you should never be forced to give it up due to something as treatable as back pain.

4.) Get Limber!

One of the easiest ways to relieve yourself of back pain, chronic or otherwise, is simply by stretching yourself out! There are a number of easy, non-impact stretches and exercises that even those who aren’t regularly active should be able to complete without too much of an issue. Stretches such as these are one of the leading ways to prevent or relieve back pain, and thankfully you can complete them even in the great outdoors. We recommend finding a few stretches that work for you, and try to do them every morning. This can be useful both for those interested in tent camping with back problems, or even if you want to try working on them from home! Yoga is one of the ways doctors recommend treating back pain, and there are few things in the world more peaceful and relaxing than practicing yoga in nature. Why not give it a try?

5.) Always Stay Hydrated

This little piece of advice applies to anyone and everyone, not just folks who plan on tent camping with back problems. Make sure you bring along plenty of water, and remember to actually drink it. By staying hydrated, you’ll be ensuring that your body has all the oxygen it needs, which is especially important for people dealing with chronic lower back pain. If you allow yourself to become dehydrated, there’s little doubt that it’s going to worsen your pain problems.

Why should you let back pain stop you from experiencing the joys of life?
Why should you let back pain stop you from experiencing the joys of life?

Final Thoughts

In our current digital workaholic landscape, it can be incredibly difficult to find time in your day to relax, take stock of what matters and recharge your batteries. By taking a few days to venture out into the wilderness with friends, loved ones, or even on your own, you’ll be giving yourself a mental reprieve from your daily grind; probably the same grind that caused your troubles in the first place! That is just one of the many reasons why camping is important, and why you shouldn’t let your back pain stop you from doing what you want.

With the increased availability of customer-specific or niche products, such as camping accessories made to help people through pain, we don’t have to worry anymore about not pursuing the things we love to do. If you are someone dealing with chronic back pain, we’re hopeful you could find this information useful.

Do you have any other pointers you’d like to throw out there for potential campers? Share your thoughts with us down below in the comments!

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