Last Updated: Mar 31, 2019

Tent Camping With A Toddler: Tips & Tricks

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    BY Nick Bulanda

    Published March 31, 2019

Tent camping with a toddler for the first time? Toddlers are difficult in general. Yes, they are a cute little bundle of joy. But, they require proper feedings, lots of attention, and plenty of sleep. Specifically, sleep is key when it comes to the growth and development of toddlers. So what happens if they do not sleep well in the tent? Do not freak out or get frustrated. There are ways to work on this with your little toddler. Here are some helpful tips and tricks from The Camping Chair!

Bring The Proper Gear

Preparation is the most important part of a successful camping trip. This is true even when camping without a baby or toddler. For example, you need a good camping chair and a camping bed. In some cases, you need special equipment like a shaded camp chair or a supportive camp chair. At night, you need a camping bed for you and your partner. Or just a camping bed for yourself. Likewise, babies require the same type of equipment.

You need a toddler camping chair or an infant camping chair, depending on the age. This is great both inside of the tent and outside of the tent. Provide a lounge space and a feeding space all at once. In many cases, it is a great napping spot as well. Furthermore, a toddler camping bed delivers a comfortable and cozy sleeping area. Keep kids safe off of the ground and away from dirty surfaces.

Tent Camping With A Toddler: Sleep With Your Toddler

Sure, this seems rather obvious. However, it really helps during the sleeping process. Remember, babies sometimes sleep with their parents. At the very least, babies sleep in their cribs while in the same room as their parents. So putting them in another tent is a really bad idea. Wait until they are older or they have siblings to share a tent with. Sleeping is easier for toddlers when they are together with their sisters or brothers.

Get a tent big enough for your family. Your entire family. This can include your pup and their own camping chair. The right-sized tent helps eliminate the stress and tension of cramped sleeping space. All the while, the wide space keeps everyone comfortable. There is nothing worse than cramping together in a tent. It gets uncomfortable and hot. Organize the interior layout and place everyone in a good spot!

Toddlers are better off in a tent with you or their siblings.
Toddlers are better off in a tent with you or their siblings.

Burn Up Their Energy Before Bed

Many people like to wind down before bed. This is not ideal for babies. Remember, they do not think like adults nor the youth. Babies and toddlers do not understand the concept of bedtime just yet. Therefore, they stay up all through the night if they are not tired. So take time to enjoy some fun camping activities with your toddler.

Take your toddler for a long walk or a hike. Take your toddler down to the local body of water. Swim, fish, or kayak in the water. Each activity is just as fun as the last. Enjoy one of the many camping activities for the youth. This even includes a late night game of flashlight tag.

Warmth Is Key

Campsites are beautiful, wonderous, and absolutely scenic. This is true both during the day and night. But, at night things can change. Certain areas become incredibly chilly and cold at night. As a result, you need not only the proper gear but the proper clothing. If not, it is unlikely your toddler sleeps at all. After all, it is tough for even adults to sleep in uncomfortable and super cold conditions.

Prepare, prepare, prepare. Make this your number one goal. Preparation can curve the worst case scenarios. All the while, it provides an out in case of disaster. Did your toddler puke on their warm wool sweater? Good thing you brought a backup! This type of planning makes a big difference.

Tent camping with a toddler is a great experience for both you and your child!
Tent camping with a toddler is a great experience for both you and your child!

Last Words On Tent Camping With A Toddler

The best rule to keep in mind: do not go all out. This is the first camping trip for your toddler. They will remember the events forever. Even if they do not let you know. Subconsciously this can shape and form their opinions, thoughts, and feelings towards camping.

Keep things simple. Keep the camping activities light. Do not scare them with too much at once. Instead, take it slow and be patient. Let them grow during the camping trip. Create memories that last forever. Form a wonderful bond with your family. It will be a great experience for you and your toddler.

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